Monday, July 19, 2010

Costa Rica

To mark the end of the my ten day trip to Costa Rica Denver International Airport has decided to bless me with long layovers and delays. (oh well it gave me an excuse to find this program and begin the blog I have been hoping to make for all of my future adventures.
Again, I have just finished my trip to Costa Rica which marked ten days of exploring the country with Bobby Boyle and long intense car rides. although we may have gotten lost more than our fair share of times, it was all worth it in the end right?...
I began my trip accidentally arriving a day late and spending the night in the spectacular Pangea Hostel (accurate planning for yours truly). The next day once we had met up, Bobby, his father, and I traveled to the Arenal Volcano where we began the long process of teaching ourselves some more Spanish ( I am proud to announce Bobby now knows about 5 words in Spanish after our trip!) We zip-lined and cleansed our bodies in the magnificent hot springs.
Next we all headed to a small farm/ home-stay where we rode horses to see some wildlife and hiked from a waterfall to hot springs so high up we could see Nicaragua. NOTE: although it rained most of the trip this did not stop our adventures and lead to some epic bruises for me!
Our last stop was Hacienda Pinilla and Tamirindo Beach. in my words this could be described as a two day beach vacation 20 miles from the beach. However, the town was quaint and the drinks cheap! Bobby spent the day surfing and I worked on a fabulous sun burn while finishing a book.
All drama aside this was a great way to see myself off to returning home to Colorado after six months and saying goodbye before a five month study abroad trip to South Africa. More to come...

Note on the hula hoop: Action minimal although underneath the volcano was quite the place to use the Kundalini hoop... to bad I banged myself up nice and good on this trip or else I may have been more in touch with the fairy side and therefore enthusiastic towards the traveling hoop

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